8 December 2016

Geneva event 12-13 Dec

UCH DAY Meeting 13 Dec

UHC2030 hosted a meeting - Working Together to Strengthen Health Systems - on 12-13 December in Geneva, Switzerland to foster productive exchange between various health systems partnerships, actors and agencies, build awareness of UHC2030 and explore how to improve collaboration. 

Participants included members of health systems related initiatives in the following health areas: financing and protection, governance, workforce, data, integrated people-centred health services, medicines, policy and systems research, and learning and knowledge sharing. Representatives from a range of governments, international development agencies, academia and civil society organisations took part in what turned out to be an energising and exciting event.  

A full article and report will be available soon, but please find some presentations and resources from the event below. 

13.12.16 Day two of the meeting

Session one – Strengthening health systems for Universal Health Coverage: the current state of play and opportunities for working better together

Jeanette Vega’s key note speech

Director General Margaret Chan’s video message

Film of session one 

Session two –Building a shared vision for strengthening health systems
Powerpoint presentation

Film of session two

Session 3 – Working together to overcome silos: identifying possible priority areas and practical ways of enhancing collaboration to strengthen health systems.
Theme: the stewardship role of ministries of health Powerpoint presentation

Film of session three: part 1

Film of session three: part 2

Session 4 – Acting with ambition: perspectives from political leadership in taking the agenda forward
Film of session four: Ministerial closing

Other resources

Background information and the programme here.

List of participants forthcoming


Look at the event photos below.


Watch Margaret Chan’s address to the evening UHC Day celebration of 12 December.

Watch the film of the UHC Day evening event of 12 December. 

Watch the film of the Ministerial closing session of the meeting of 13 December. 

Find all films on our YouTube channel.


WHO data portal to track UHC progress 


Read Kerry Scott’s blog she wrote on returning from the meeting.

World Bank: Realizing the promise of UHC

Lancet editorial: UHC looking to the future

WHO and the Elders: UHC - an affordable goal for all 

CHESTRAD International: statement on UHC2030 meeting

UHC2030 Meeting 12-13 Dec 2016

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