SDG Official Statistics

United Nations Global SDG Database

United Nations Global SDG Database (United Nations Statistics Division)

Purpose: The platform to disseminate the Global SDG Indicators data sets. This database provides access to data compiled through the UN System in preparation for the Secretary-General's annual report on "Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals". 

Relevant Data: 

SDG Official Statistics, original data such as: 

  • SDG Indicator 3.8.1: Coverage of essential health services
  • SDG Indicator 3.8.2: Proportion of population with large household expenditures on health as a share of total household expenditure or income
  • SDG Indicator 3.b.2: Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sectors
  • SDG Indicator 3.b.1: Proportion of the target population covered by all vaccines included in their national program
  • SDG Indicator 3.c.1: Health worker density and distribution
  • SDG Indicator 3.d.1: International Health Regulations (IHR) capacity and health emergency preparedness
Open SDG Data Hub

Open SDG Data Hub (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs)

Purpose: The hub to promote the exploration, analysis, and use of authoritative SDG data sources for evidence-based decision-making and advocacy. This hub enables data providers, managers and users to discover, understand, and communicate patterns and interrelationships in the wealth of SDG data and statistics that are now available.

Relevant Data: Geospatially referenced data and API of SDG Official Statistics. 

SDG Tracker

SDG Tracker (Our World in Data, Oxford Martin Programme on Global Development)

Purpose: The tracker to present data across all available indicators from the Our World in Data database, using official statistics from the UN and other international organizations. This is a free, open-access publication that tracks global progress towards the SDGs and allows people around the world to hold their governments accountable to achieving the agreed goals.

Relevant Data: Data visualizations of SDG Official Statistics

Partner Databases and Dashboards

Here you can access selected UHC and Health System data sets and data visualizations from official SDG statistics and UHC2030 partners. Please visit the following databases and dashboards.

Other UHC and Health System Related Data

The Global Health Observatory: Universal Health Coverage

The Global Health Observatory: Universal Health Coverage (World Health Organization)

Purpose: The Global Health Observatory (GHO) is WHO's gateway to health-related statistics for its 194 Member States. The aim of the GHO portal is to provide easy access to country data and statistics with a focus on comparable estimates and WHO’s analyses to monitor global, regional and country situation and trends. 

Relevant Data:

  • Service Coverage: UHC SC Index (SDG indicator 3.8.1) and its 14 tracer indicators 
  • Financial Protection: Catastrophic out-of-pocket health spending (SDG indicator 3.8.2); Impoverishing - Pushed below a poverty line by household expenditures on health (Related to SDG indicator 1.1.1); Impoverishing - Poverty gap due to out-of-pocket health spending
  • Projections of UHC Progress: 2019 and 2023 projected progress of average service coverage, avoiding financial hardship and people benefitting from UHC (tracked via 15 indicators)
  • Health Systems Strengthening
    • Governance: Availability of national health sector plan; Monitoring of national health sector plan; Legislation on universal health coverage; Aid
    • Health financing: Total current expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product; Current expenditure on health by general government and compulsory schemes; Out-of-pocket payment for health (% of current expenditure on health)
    • Human resources for health: Health worker density and distribution
    • Health service delivery: Hospital bed density; Causes of death
    • Essential medicines and health products: Availability of essential medicines; Access to affordable medicines and vaccines; Health infrastructure; Medical devices
    • Health information system: Birth registration coverage; Death registration coverage
  • Health Financing:
    • Health expenditure as a percentage of gross domestic product
    • Current health expenditure per capita in USD
    • Domestic government health expenditure as a percentage of gross domestic product
    • Domestic government health expenditure as a percentage of government expenditure
    • Out-of-pocket spending as a percentage of current health expenditure
    • External health expenditure as a percentage of current health expenditure
Country Planning Cycle Database

Country Planning Cycle Database (World Health Organization)

Purpose: The WHO Country Planning Cycle Database provides a country-by-country overview of national planning, health programme and project cycles together with information on donor involvement and technical support. The overall aim is to improve coordination and synchronization of country health system planning efforts.

Relevant Data:

  • National Health Planning: Country national health planning cycles, health programmatic and project timelines, with information on key partners.
  • National Health Policy Strategies and Plans: Progress on the development, monitoring and review of national health policy strategies and plans aimed at moving towards universal health coverage. 
  • From Whom to Whom: Global development priorities, volume, purpose, and modalities of aid delivery for health in SDG era.
Global Health Expenditure Database

Global Health Expenditure Database (Global Health Organization)

Purpose: The Global Health Expenditure Database (GHED) provides internationally comparable data on health spending for close to 190 countries. The database is open access and supports the goal of UHC by helping monitor the availability of resources for health and the extent to which they are used efficiently and equitably. This helps ensure health services are available and affordable when people need them.

Relevant Data: 

  • How much do different countries spend on health?
  • How much do different actors such as government, insurance companies, households and donors contribute?
  • What are the financing arrangements to pay for health?
  • How much money is spent on primary health care (PHC)?
  • How much money is spent on different diseases and programmes such as immunization?
  • How much money is spent on the less than 5-year old population?
Poverty & Equity Data Porta

Poverty & Equity Data Portal (The World Bank Group)

Purpose: The Poverty and Equity Data Portal is the World Bank Group’s comprehensive source for the latest data on poverty, inequality, and shared prosperity. The portal allows users to explore several poverty and inequality indicators for countries and regions as well as explore countries by various income levels – low income, lower middle income, and upper middle income, and access poverty and inequality data for fragile, IDA and other country groupings.

Relevant Data:

  • Global Poverty Headcount Ratio at International Poverty Line
  • The Gini Index
Country Equity Profile

Country Equity Profile (Countdown to 2030 for Women's, Children's and Adolecents' Health)

Purpose: The Countdown Country Equity Profile is meant to equip country decision makers with a tool to help them monitor progress and for programming and planning purposes. Countdown to 2030 has prepared equity profiles that show the magnitude and trends in health disparities in all low and middle-income countries with a recent DHS or MICS survey. 

Relevant Data:

Coverage of Essensa RMNCH interventions equity disaggregation by: 

  • Wealth and area of residence
  • Wealth quintiles
  • Urban/rural area of residence
  • Subnational coverage
Countries and Regional Initiatives

Countries and Regional Initiatives (P4H Social Health Protection Network)

Purpose: P4H promotes UHC through better health financing and social health protection. The P4H interactive digital platform displays P4H country and regional initiatives and is designed to enable members to connect and join efforts. It provides network space, interactive access to knowledge and case studies, tools for improving project and activity management, and the possibility to get involved on both global and local levels. 

Relevant Data:

  • current health expenditure (CHE) as a percentage of  gross domestic product (GDP) (CHE/GDP)
  • domestic general government health expenditure (GGHE-D) as a percentage of general government expenditure (GGE) (GGHE-D/GGE)
  • out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure  as a percentage of current health expenditure (CHE) (OOP/CHE)
  • catastrophic health spending
  • unmet needs
PHC Vital Signs Profile

PHC Vital Signs Profile (Primary Healthcare Performance Initiative)

Purpose: The PHCPI Vital Signs Profiles are a measurement tool that policymakers, donors, advocates and citizens can use to better understand, and ultimately improve, primary health care around the world. They provide a snapshot of primary health care systems in individual countries, demonstrating where systems are strong and where they are weak. Each Vital Signs Profile Provides an understanding of financing, capacity, performance, and equity measures of the primary health care system. 

Relevant Data: 

38 PHCPI Core Indicators: 

  • System: PHC spending per capita ($USD); Percent of government health spending allocated to PHC; Government PHC spending as % of current PHC spending; Out-of-pocket spending as % of current PHC spending
  • Inputs: Basic equipment availability; Essential drug availability; Vaccine availability; Facilities with clean water, electricity, sanitation; Health center density; Health post density; Community and traditional health worker density; Nurse and midwife density; Physician density
  • Service Delivery: Perceived access barriers due to treatment costs; Perceived access barriers due to distance; Provider absence rate; Diagnostic accuracy; Adherence to clinical guidelines; Caseload per provider; DPT3 dropout rate; Treatment success rate for new TB cases; Care-seeking for suspected child pneumonia
  • Outputs: Demand for family planning satisfied with modern methods; Antenatal care coverage; Births attended by skilled health personnel; DTP3 immunization coverage; Children under 5 with diarrhea receiving ORS; TB cases detected and treated; People living with HIV receiving ART; Use of insecticide-treated nets for malaria prevention; Cervical cancer screening rate; Hypertension control; Diabetes mellitus control
  • Outcomes: Under-five mortality by wealth quintile; Maternal mortality ratio; Premature NCD mortality; Under-five mortality rate; Neonatal mortality rate

COVID-19 Related Data

Tackling Coronavirus

Tackling Coronavirus (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)

Purpose: A compilation of data, analyses and recommendations on a range of topics to address the emerging health, economic and societal crisis of COVID-19, facilitate co-ordination, and contribute to the necessary global action when confronting this enormous collective challenge. The series brings together policy responses spanning a large range of topics, from health to education and taxes, providing guidance on the short-term measures, and to provide analysis on the longer-term consequences and impacts. 

Relevant Data: 

  • Country Policy Tracker: provides information on country policy responses to COVID-19 including: Containment measures; Fiscal measures (including Health system measures); Monetary policy and prudential regulation; Measures to promote burden sharing within the private sector; and other measures including structural policy measures. 
  • COVID-19 Health System Response Tracker: provides information on health policy responses to COVID-19 including whether country policies cover key areas such as R&D for vaccines and treatment; telemedicine, surveillance and tracking; affordability of diagnostics and treatments; access to mental health services; availability of key supplies; health worker protection; hospital beds and spaces for diagnostics and treatments; protection for the elderly; additional funding/financing for the health system.
  • COVID-19 Key Impacts: a compilation of analyses of the impact of COVID-19 and guidance on a range of sectors including: stabilizing the world economy, testing and deconfinement, and supporting workers during the pandemic and beyond. 
  • COVID-19 Related Social and Health Data: provides analyses of income support for standard and non-standard workers and jobs potentially at risk in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis by region.
  • Country profiles: a 2019 overview of the health systems resiliency and capacity in Europe (with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, in co-operation with the European Commission).
COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor

Purpose: The Health System Response Monitor (HSRM) has been designed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak to collect and organize up-to-date information on how countries are responding to the crisis. It focuses primarily on the responses of health systems but also captures wider public health initiatives. This is a joint undertaking of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the European Commission, and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.

Relevant Data:

Cross-country analysis of health system responses and key policy lessons from European Region: 

  • How do the COVID-19 testing criteria differ across countries?
  • How are countries creating extra bed and ICU capacity?
  • How are countries keeping the rest of the health system operating?
COVID-19 Partners Platform

COVID-19 Partners Platform (World Health Organization)

Purpose: The WHO COVID-19 Partners Platform allows users to view country profiles containing country strategic planning initiatives for responding to COVID-19; track actions of public health responses by country; view and request support when resources are not available; and view donors’ contributions to the outbreak. Registration is required to access this portal.

Relevant Data:

  • COVID-19 Resource Gap Tracker: provides information on resource gaps under the 9 pillars of Public Health, in terms of funding for financial, supplies and personnel-related activities for each country. Resource gaps imply that these resources are not available at the national level in order to conduct the referred activities. 
  • COVID-19 Resource Tracking: allows visibility of the needs of countries and the funds provided in the response to COVID-19. Data includes: source and recipient of contributions.
Emerging Findings and Policy Recommendations on COVID-19

Emerging Findings and Policy Recommendations on COVID-19 (The Global Financing Facility)

Purpose: This brief takes a look at emerging findings and provides policy recommendations on the evolving impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Relevant Data:

  • Rapid qualitative feedback surveys of its local staff based in 36 partner countries of GFF to take stock of the evolving impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on essential health and nutrition services for women, children and adolescents