The unique UHC2030 multi-stakeholder platform can play a key role in promoting strong health
systems for UHC and health security in a resilient COVID-19 recovery.
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The unique UHC2030 multi-stakeholder platform can play a key role in promoting strong health
systems for UHC and health security in a resilient COVID-19 recovery.
To develop a ser of key asks for the UN HLM, UHC2030 conducted three-month consultations with all sectors of the UHC movement - parliamentarians, civil society, the private sector, agencies, networks and academia.
The State of commitment to universal health coverage brings a unique multi-stakeholder view to a simple question: Are countries acting on their commitments to UHC?
All signatories to UHC2030’s Global Compact for progress towards universal health coverage commit to work together with renewed urgency to accelerate progress towards UHC, through building and expanding equitable, resilient and sustainable health systems.
UHC2030 will launch a discussion paper to consolidate our vision for resilient health systems, and priority actions for both emergency preparedness and UHC goals. With this, we aim to bring partners together around common messages on public health actions
A key document for UHC2030, and a broader resource for the global community to inform collaboration on the health systems strengthening (HSS) and universal health coverage (UHC) agenda.
Displaying results 41 to 46 out of 46