UHC2030 hosted its annual UHC Day parliamentarian town hall to...
1 February 2019
An opportunity for all UHC champions and advocates to make your voice heard and help mobilise high-level political attention globally and in your countries.

The UN High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) on Universal Health Coverage will take place on 23 September 2019 during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) high-level week (A/RES/72/139).
The theme of the HLM-UHC is ‘Universal Health Coverage: Moving Together to Build a Healthier World.’ Prior to the UN HLM, on 29 April, the President of the General Assembly (PGA) will organise a multi-stakeholder hearing to allow non-states actors to formally contribute to the preparation for the UN HLM. This takes place before the formal inter-governmental negotiations of the political declaration on UHC.
This UN HLM will be the last chance before 2023, the mid-point of the SDGs, to mobilise the highest political support to package the entire health agenda under the umbrella of UHC, and sustain health investments in a harmonised manner. To do this, it is critical to identify how the political declaration on UHC can add value to these efforts and set milestones towards achieving UHC by 2030.
Multi-stakeholder hearing on 29 April 2019
UHC2030 has been asked to support the preparatory process for the UN HLM, particularly to share “evidence and good practices, challenges and lessons learned". The President of the General Assembly, with the support of the World Health Organization and UHC2030, will convene an interactive multi-stakeholder hearing on 29 April 2019 at the United Nations in New York, as part of the preparatory process for the UN HLM on UHC.
Special accreditation is necessary for relevant non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, philanthropic foundations, medical associations and the private sector to attend the high-level meeting and participate in the interactive multi-stakeholder hearing.
Please note that UN member states, UN entities, and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC, do not need to apply for accreditation. Special Accreditation opens until 8 March. There is only one accreditation process, valid for both the multi-stakeholder hearing on 29th April and the UN HLM on 23rd September. Don’t miss it!
To start the accreditation process, please visit this UN web page.
Informal consultations to consolidate key “Asks” from UHC2030 partners
UHC2030 Partners have other excellent opportunities to feed consolidated messages into the UN HLM.
Here is your chance to comment on a draft set of “Asks” and help develop them further to influence the multi-stakeholder hearing, inter-governmental negotiations and interventions during the UN HLM. By “Ask” we mean both specific commitments and more general policy statements and principles to be reflected in the UN HLM outcome document.
UHC2030 is developing a consolidated set of “Asks” to feed into the zero-draft of the political declaration and related advocacy materials. Both member states and non-state actors can use these messages in the formal process such as the multi-stakeholder hearing, inter-governmental negotiations and interventions during the UN HLM.
UHC2030 will organise several briefing and consultation sessions from January to March, which aim to introduce UHC2030’s draft Asks for the UN HLM. This provides opportunities for UHC2030 Partners (UHC2030 members, constituencies and related initiatives) to share their insights, experiences and expectations. The first consultation took place on 23 January 2019 in Davos with the private sector, followed by another on 30 January 2019 in Bangkok with academia and civil society organisations.
Online consultation
We invite all UHC2030 partners to complete the on-line survey and contribute to the process. Your feedback will be used to finalize the UHC2030 consolidated Asks to the co-facilitators of the UN HLM and political leaders who will attend the UN HLM.
How you can engage:
- Briefings and consultations: check the schedule of events
- UHC2030 key asks: complete the on-line consultation, deadline 10 March
- Advocacy tools and guidance for use to influence the multi-stakeholder hearing, inter-governmental negotiations on the political declaration and interventions during UN HLM (forthcoming)
- Multistakeholder hearing (29 April) and UN HLM (23 September): Accreditation (deadline: 8 March) and Registration (forthcoming)
To find out more about UN HLM and UHC2030 preparation, please visit UHC2030 Campaign Page on UN HLM.
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