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… the UHC Movement 6 Key Asks, 6 Milestones and 36 Action Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 6 NOTE: Action Agenda is not…

How do we forge a shared path toward universal health coverage in Africa?

How do we forge a shared path toward universal health coverage in Africa?

Action-oriented projects like the Delivery Lab at the African Health Agenda International Conference and the set of…

About us

… around UHC commitments and supporting collective action. UHC2030 promotes: Enhanced political and…



… OECD/DAC • Translating principles into country-level action in all countries: knowledge sharing key •…



… OECD/DAC • Translating principles into country-level action in all countries: knowledge sharing key •…



… with the SC’s goals for 2017 that focus on gaining traction on deliverables that are congruent with the…



… with the SC’s goals for 2017 that focus on gaining traction on deliverables that are congruent with the…

Putting communities at the heart of health systems strengthening to achieve UHC

Putting communities at the heart of health systems strengthening to achieve UHC

… and speed up progress towards UHC goals. The UHC Action Agenda by the UHC Movement and recent Lancet…

All hands on deck – mobilizing private sector contribution to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage

All hands on deck – mobilizing private sector contribution to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage

… efforts towards UHC and take forward the UHC2030’s Action Agenda, which calls for greater multi-sectoral…



AGENDA Objective To agree UHC2030’s aspiration and actions to get UHC progress back on track in 2022-2023,…