The World Health Organization (WHO) is developping a...
19 July 2018
Satellite session at the AIDS Conference, Amsterdam - Monday 23 July

UNAIDS, the Government of Kenya and the WHO with an additional support of The Global Fund are hosting a satellite session at the AIDS conference in Amsterdam to discuss how to end the AIDS epidemic and achieve universal health coverage in Africa by 2030.
Elicium 1: Monday 23 July 10:15-12:15.
This session co-chaired by the UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe and the WHO Assistant Director General Dr. Ren Minghui will focus on the mutual reinforcement of ending the AIDS epidemic and achieving UHC in Africa, by reflecting on country experiences from Kenya, Ghana and Rwanda.
UHC means that all people and communities can use the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship. Ensuring universal access to HIV services is critical for the achievement of UHC. HIV is one of the conditions especially important for disadvantaged groups such as women, children, the poor, the marginalized and key populations. As such, addressing the HIV epidemic is in pursuit of equity which is inherent in UHC.
UHC has the potential to change the quality of lives of all people in Africa and serves as a critical input for sustainable development. The provision of essential services and interventions, including for HIV, is critical for the achievement of UHC and ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.