22 June 2017

Meeting took place on 15-16 June 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland.

First UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting

The first UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting took place on 15-16 June in Geneva, Switzerland. The agendaparticipant list, and note for the record can be found here. Presentations made at the meeting can be found in the agenda description below.

The objectives of the meeting were to:  

  1. Take stock of progress to date in establishing UHC2030 and consolidate working arrangements
  2. Review initial progress on UHC2030 workplan and agree on where more attention is needed in going forward
  3. Discuss findings of ECD monitoring and follow-up, including forward-looking discussion on role of development cooperation in support of health systems strengthening and UHC
  4. Agree on approach to develop strategies for accountability, knowledge sharing and advocacy under UHC2030
  5. Agree on co-chairs and functioning of constituencies


Introduction, welcome and objectives of the meeting

Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO

Tim Evans, World Bank

Update on global processes

G20, UHC Forum 2017, High Level Political Forum 2017

Heiko Warnken, Germany

Eiji Hinoshita, Japan

Ivana Milovanovic, WHO - PRESENTATION

Work on HSS: are we on track to demonstrate the value of UHC2030?

- Update on work plan implementation and follow-up since DecemberOverview of work undertaken by working groups, incl. deliverables and timeline
- Possible follow-up on joint vision
- Initial views on priorities for 2018-19 and approach to preparation of work plan 2018-19

Max Dappah, World Bank, UHC2030 Core Team 


Paper 1: UHC2030 workplan 2017 – update on implementation 

Effective development cooperation

- Presentation of findings and recommendations of 5th Round of IHP+ Monitoring- Current state of play, where more progress is needed, how to follow-up and future EDC monitoring 

Presentation on way forward on DAH tracking

Leo Devillé, hera, IHP+ results - PRESENTATION 

Finn Schleimann, WHO, UHC2030 Core Team - PRESENTATION 


- Options for UHC2030 strategy
- Process for developing strategy by end 2017, including inputs from experts and broader consultation from countries and civil society


Paper 2: UHC2030 Accountability strategy: initial scoping 

Short update on advocacy, communication and knowledge management

Akihito Watabe, UHC2030 Core Team

Natalie Paholyothin, Rockefeller Foundation

Alison Dunn, UHC2030 Core Team

Somil Nagpal, JLN, World Bank


Paper 1: UHC2030 workplan 2017 – update on implementation 

UHC2030 structures and ways of working

- How to promote UHC2030 agenda in countries: perspectives from the Universal Health Coverage Partnership 
- UHC2030 structures and ways of working: collaboration with related initiatives
- Update on Civil society engagement mechanism
- Steering Committee TOR, co-chairs and constituencies
- UHC2030 annual/semi-annual forum - 

Agnes Soucat, WHO

Matthias Reinicke, EC - PRESENTATION 

Jacques Mader, P4H

Alastair Robb, HDC

Annick Jeantet, CSEM

Marjolaine Nicod, UHC2030 Core Team


Paper 3. Draft TORs for UHC2030 annual / semi-annual forum

Paper 4. Steering Committee TOR, co-chairs and constituencies

Paper 5. UHC2030 Draft TORs for private sector constituency

Engagement of private sector

- Rationale and areas of work of mutual interest- Implications for how private sector engages in UHC2030

Kristina Yarrow, UN Foundation – PRESENTATION 

Summary of conclusions and next steps


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