14 December 2017

Geneva, 17-18 October 2017

First face-to-face meeting of the Health Systems Assessment Technical Working Group

The meeting convened key national and international stakeholders and country representatives to discuss the following: 

  • Bottlenecks in conducting a multitude of HSAs in  countries (“evaluation industry”)
  • Results of an HSA tool review that examined all relevant, existing tools and approaches on health systems assessments 
  • Differences between HSA and Health Systems Performance Assessments (HSPA), and the potential for relating HSAs with the health systems performance assessment community
  • Scoping the engagement of the TWG, including a roadmap with key deliverables. 

In the round table format, the participants were engaged in sharing more detailed ideas around:

1) the current situation of HSAs

2) potential entry points for more harmonised and aligned HSAs

3) how to bring the HSA and HSPA communities together and integrate performance assessment aspects within HSA in a more systematic way.

Read the final report

See presentations from the meeting: 

Rajan: WHO

Rohrer: Consultant

Ayar: Ministry of Health Turkey

Nolte: European Union 

Schmets: WHO


Read more about the Health Systems Assessment technical working group.

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