12 November 2018

Have your say in validating a classification system to facilitate the storage and retrieval of knowledge products and services related to universal health coverage and health systems strengthening.

Deadline 14 December 2018.

Consultation on a Knowledge Management Taxonomy for UHC2030

The UHC2030 Knowledge Hub will offer an interactive online knowledge management system to connect country practitioners and policymakers with relevant and high-quality knowledge products and services related to universal health coverage (UHC) and health systems strengthening (HSS). 

This system will require a common language for classifying, organizing, storing and retrieving these knowledge resources.  Over the past year, the UHC2030 Knowledge Hub Group has worked to develop a knowledge management (KM) taxonomy, which is now available for broader consultation.  

Comments and suggestions on the draft KM taxonomy are invited from all stakeholders including Steering Group members, partners, and/or interested members of the public. Deadline 14 December 2018.

Overview of the Taxonomy Validation Process 

The taxonomy and indexing system for the UHC2030 Knowledge Hub are being developed through an iterative process. The first draft was informed by the  knowledge management landscape analysis, a review of relevant literature related to organizing knowledge, navigating content areas pertaining to UHC and health system strengthening, and previous efforts to develop taxonomies at the organizational, thematic, and/or sector levels.

Input from the UHC2030 Steering Committee members and representatives from related initiatives was instrumental for refining the preliminary versions. The process also included card sorting, a user-centered design method that supports the development of an effective information architecture to create the navigation structure of the UHC2030 Knowledge Hub.

Findings from the card sorting exercises and the pilot coding of knowledge products informed the current draft classification schemes for technical areas related to UHC and HSS and for the types of knowledge products and services.  

Comments and suggestions are now invited from a broader set of stakeholders including Steering Group members, partners, and/or interested members of the public to review and refine the designated categories, subtopics, and associated terms.  Potential respondents can scroll through the Comment Form to review and comment on any areas related to their interest and expertise.  

In addition, any stakeholders who are interested to learn more about the taxonomy validation process are welcome to explore the card sorting tests as follows:

Input for refining the taxonomy will be received on an ongoing basis. During the same period, health systems research scholars will code a sample of UHC2030 knowledge products to test both the classification systems and the process for building a library. Ongoing input and contributions will also be provided by the knowledge hub key partners:

  • Data entry for a sample of knowledge resources will be accompanied by the development of a growing list of familiar terms in alphabetical order. This list will serve as the basis for a glossary or directory of synonyms to help facilitate navigation of the knowledge hub.
  • Revisions to the indexing system will be informed by other  knowledge management activities, such as a survey on country knowledge demand conducted this summer along with recent updates to country information.

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