17 October 2019

Deadline for application - 4 November 2019

Call for Nominations: CSEM AdvisoryMember/Civil Society Alternative Representative to UHC2030 Steering Committee

The CSEM Secretariat seeks nominations for candidates to fill the position of Advisory Group Member for the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM) or Civil Society Alternate Representative to the UHC2030 Steering Committee. 

The CSEM Advisory Group fosters civil society representation in the International Partnership for UHC2030 (UHC2030). The Advisory Group links the global and national levels, conveys constituency priorities based on national inputs, and acts as a technical hub. The group is composed of 18 members, including 12 regular Advisory Group members, three CSO representatives, and three alternates to the UHC2030 Steering Committee. Within the Advisory Group members, the CSEM seeks to represent a balance of gender, expertise, representatives from populations often left behind, world regions, technical focus areas, connections to other CSO networks/mobilizing bodies, and types of organizations. Members will serve a three-year term. Membership on the Advisory Group is organizational, not individual.

The deadline to submit nominations is Monday, November 4, 2019, at 23H59 EST. For full details, see the call for submissions here.

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