16th May 2020 15:00 UTC - 27th May 2020 14:30 UTC

Here are some UHC and health systems related events happening soon...

Friday 15 May 15.00 – 17.00 hrs (CEST)

First civil society meeting
Covid-19: The collapse of multilateralism? The meeting is set up as a protected space for civil society brainstorming and strategizing and will therefore not be broadcast or recorded. Registration for the meeting is open to G2H2 members and other civil society colleagues (in a broad sense). Read more here where you can also register.

Saturday 16 May 2020 - 4.00 to 5.30pm (EAT)

A public-private dialogue: how can we work together to combat COVID-19 in Africa 
WHO has accelerated its work on private sector engagement in order to support countries to bring the private sector into the COVID-19 response. An Action Plan has been developed aiming to create a single, unified and coherent response to the COVID-19 pandemic that integrates the public and private health sectors. The webinar will discuss how the Action Plan and the identified policy challenges play out in the WHO AFRO region. The webinar will include interventions from Dr Matshidiso Moeti (WHO Regional Director for Africa), M. David Clarke (WHO HQ Team Leader HGF), and Dr Amit N. Thakker (President Africa Healthcare Federation). Register here

Sunday 17 May 2020

Walk the Talk challenge
The third edition of the Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge goes virtual this year. In light of COVID-19, the event will offer a global platform to promote health and well-being for people all over the world. People are invited to join in from their homes wherever they are located in the world for a range of online activities presented by athletes from the worlds of football, basketball, pin bowling, field hockey, ice hockey, cycling, running, and more. Activities include: yoga, zumba, hip hop, exercise classes for all ages and abilities, meditation, walking in place (or in locations within the guidelines of your national authorities), cooking demonstrations, as well as interactive art. All of these activities are meant to be enjoyed by all ages, all abilities and alone or with your families. For questions contact walkthetalk@who.int Register here 

Tuesday 19 May 2020 - 16.00 to 17.30 (GVA)

Is space closing for civil society in global health? 
With restrictions in many countries on nongovernmental organisations, and sweeping new laws coming into play in response to COVID-19, is space closing for civil society, journalists and other whistleblowers in global health? Who will speak for civil society in the COVID-19 response, and what role –if any– will they play in oversight of the billions to be spent? Do civil society activists on the boards of global health agencies act as a force for accountability, or does being at the table with powerful donors, governments and UN agencies limit what they say? Leading international activists and journalists debate these and related questions from national and international perspectives. Co-organised by the Global Health Centre, STOPAIDS and Medicus Mundi International. Register here

Friday 22 May 2020, 15:00 - 16:30 (GVA)

Masked heronies? Building resilience begins with a gender-equitable health workforce
The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing the deep inequities that undermine global health, especially gender inequities impacting women front line health and care workers. In the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, few health and care workers (many of whom are women) have safe and decent working conditions, appropriate protection and equal and timely pay. How many decision makers in health systems are women? Do we collect sufficient data and evidence to understand the implications of COVID-19 on female health workers? Speakers in this session will share the perspectives of female health workers during this pandemic, and review lessons learnt from previous large-scale outbreaks – how health systems lose when gender equality is ignored, what can be done better, and how we all may gain by applying a gender lens. This event is co-sponsored by the Global Health Centre, Women in Global Health, and GENDRO. Register here

Wednesday 27 May 2020 - 14.00 to 15.30 (GVA)

Time to get our act together on health emergencies and universal health coverage
UHC2030 will launch its updated vision document for health systems strengthening, building on the recent statement from UHC2030 co-chairs which called on world leaders to remember their UHC commitments as they respond to COVID-19. The purpose of this updated joint vision is to bring partners together around common messages on public health actions as ‘step zero’ of UHC, so health systems better support health security and UHC. The event will be a panel discussion with senior leaders from WHO, World Bank, OECD and respondents from academia and civil society. The event is jointly organised by UHC2030, Graduate Institute Geneva, Global Health Centre and the World Health Organisation. Register here

Tuesday 26 May 2020 - 15.00 to 17.00 hrs (CEST)

Second civil society meeting 
Reflecting on WHA73 and EB147: How we make sense of what has happened and how can civil society organizations find and defend their space in Global Health Governance / Global Governance for Health?