4th June 2018 09:00 BST

Held on 4 – 5 June, 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland

Third Steering Committee Meeting June 2018

The third UHC2030 Steering Committee meeting took place on 4 – 5 June, 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Note for Record of the meeting including the agenda and participant list can be found here: Note for Record.

Third UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting objectives

The objectives of the third UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting were to: 

1. Discuss the role UHC2030 as a key partnership to advance UHC in global discussions, including contribution to the UN high level meeting in 2019.

2. Share a common understanding of how UHC2030 adds value for countries.

3. Take stock of progress in establishing UHC2030 as the convening platform for health systems strengthening for various related initiatives.

4. Review draft UHC2030 statement on transition and sustainability for countries phasing out of aid eligibility.

5. Review and approve the revised UHC2030 budget for 2018-19, including a detailed budget for 2018 and discuss approach to fund raising.


Session 1 - Mobilizing high level support for universal health coverage and strengthening accountability for health in the sustainable development goals - Core Team Presentation

Session 2 - Engaging with low and middle income countries - Core Team Presentation on the engagement with low and middle income countries and Presentation on lessons-learned from PFM

Session 3.a.i. - UHC2030 as a health system platform - Core Team Presentation

Session 3.a.ii. - A key area for collaboration: UHC2030 knowledge hub - Core Team Presentation

Session 3.b. Health Data Collaborative – Presentation of the HDC

Session 4. Sustainability, Transition from External Finance and Health System Strengthening - Core Team Presentation

Session 5. Update on private sector engagement - Core Team Presentation

Session 6. UHC2030 funding requirements and fundraising plans - Core Team Presentation

The presentation of the decisions made during the third UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting can be found here: Third SC Summary

Background documents

1. Note for the record: UHC2030 second Steering Committee Meeting December 2017

2. Lessons learned from IHP+ financial management - harmonization and alignment

3. Mobilising high-level support and strengthening accountability in the SDGs

4. UHC2030 Knowledge Management Hub

5. Sustainability, transition from external finance and health systems strengthening 

6. UHC2030 TWG Transition Meeting Report I

7. UHC2030 Transition Meeting Report II