Why should policy-makers invest in social participation?
Tuesday 14 December 2021 | 05:30 - 06.30 EST / 11:30 - 12:30 CET
As emphasized by the Director-General of WHO during the DG-Civil Society Dialogue on Social Participation and Accountability, community and civil society engagement is essential for achieving UHC. In Dr Tedros´ own words, “empower[ing] community ownership, enhanc[ing] participatory governance, rebuild[ing] trust in public health, and strengthen[ing] global solidarity” is absolutely critical for “every area of health, and especially in making progress towards universal health coverage”.
The Covid-19 pandemic overshadowed previously achieved health system strengthening milestones and laid bare the dire need to design responsive and fit-for-purpose health policy measures.
The Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing (WHO) is pleased to invite you to join our webinar which will take part during the 10th Global Conference on Health Promotion.
This webinar introduces the Handbook on Social Participation as a practical resource to create, strengthen and institutionalize social participation mechanisms for UHC and it brings together policy-makers and civil society to jointly explore the benefits of social participation and reflect on lessons learned from experiences in Tunisia, India, and France.
Speakers include:
- Katja Rohrer-Herold, World Health Organization
- Dr. Hela ben Mesmia, Head of the Societal Dialogue for Health unit in the Tunisian Ministry of Health
- Dr. Angela Chaudhuri, Partner Health Practice Catalyst Group, India
- Prof. Jean-François Delfraissy, President, Covid-19 Scientific Council & National Bioethics Council, France
Moderated by Dheepa Rajan, World Health Organization
Register here
Useful resources:
Voice, agency, empowerment: handbook on social participation