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2169 results:


All results Final Report (French) Scorecard of results (English) Scorecard of results (French) Powerpoint presentation (French) Country discussion of results Madagascar took part in…


All results Final Report (French only) Scorecard of results Powerpoint presentation (French only) Country discussion of results Togo took part in the 2016 fifth round of monitoring of…


All results Final Report Scorecard of results Powerpoint presentation Country discussion of results Chad took part in the 2016 fifth round of monitoring of effective development cooperation in…


All results Final Report Scorecard of results Country discussion of results Gambia took part in the 2016 fifth round of monitoring of effective development cooperation in health. Here are the…


All results Final Report Scorecard of results Powerpoint presentation Country discussion of results Guinea took part in the 2016 fifth round of monitoring of effective development cooperation in…


All results Final Report Scorecard of results Powerpoint presentation Country discussion of results Mauritania took part in the 2016 fifth round of monitoring of effective development cooperation in…

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What is UHC2030? UHC2030 is the global movement to build stronger health systems for UHC. It provides a platform to convene and build connections through joint high-level events and…

Health systems for universal health coverage: a joint vision for healthy lives

UHC2030 provides a platform to convene and build connections through joint high-level events and gatherings and contributes advocacy, tools, guidance, knowledge and learning. This supports all…

Action on health systems, for universal health coverage and health security

This paper provides a strategic narrative for strengthening health systems, to guide national, regional and global advocacy and action. It brings together recommendations from recent high-profile…