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2156 results:

Civil society engagement

About the UHC2030 civil society engagement mechanism The pursuit of UHC must involve civil society to ensure no one is left behind. We encourage all civil society advocates to integrate UHC advocacy…

How to become a private sector constituent

Publicly commit to supporting the key UHC outcomes of access to quality health services for all with financial protection; and Commit to engage in advocacy of, and promotion of the UHC2030 guiding…

The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health

UHC Leaves No One Behind - Let’s work together towards good health and well-being for all. In September 2019, at the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) “Universal Health Coverage: Moving…

Parliamentarian guide

Parliamentarian Guide - 6 action steps to achieve UHC UHC is an urgent priority to end the current global health crisis and build a safer, healthier future for everyone. In September 2019, at…

The Coalition Principal Group

Dr Magda Robalo, Co-Chair, UHC2030 Steering Committee Dr Magda Robalo is the President and co-founder of The Institute for Global Health and Development. She is an infectious disease…

Core publications

Core publications

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About UHC2030

2023 UHC HLM highlights
Health is a human right
Health for all is possible
The Action Agenda…

Governance documents

Governance documents

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Coordination tools

Coordination tools

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