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245 results:

Delivering health for all: the critical role of gender-responsive health systems

Delivering health for all: the critical role of gender-responsive health systems

Delivering health for all: the critical role of gender-responsive health systems This International Women's Day (March 8), the Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health and the Alliance for…

G20 2024: A chance to take bold action towards equitable and resilient health systems for universal health coverage

G20 2024: A chance to take bold action towards equitable and resilient health systems for universal health coverage

G20 2024: A chance to take bold action towards equitable and resilient health systems for universal health coverage A statement from UHC2030’s co-chairs to the G20 health working group On February…

Achieving UHC in Africa: A call to action ahead of the AU Summit

Achieving UHC in Africa: A call to action ahead of the AU Summit

Achieving UHC in Africa: A call to action ahead of the AU Summit A statement from UHC2030 Co-Chairs As heads of state meet in Addis Ababa for the 37th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU)…

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action

A look at UHC Day 2023 – Health for all: Time for action The 2023 UHC Day campaign emphasized the need for immediate and tangible steps to make health for all a reality Each year on 12 December,…

A statement from UHC2030 co-chairs: We welcome WHO Member State leadership for the proposed resolution on social participation for universal health coverage

A statement from UHC2030 co-chairs: We welcome WHO Member State leadership for the proposed resolution on social participation for universal health coverage

A statement from UHC2030 co-chairs: We welcome WHO Member State leadership for the proposed resolution on social participation for universal health coverage UHC2030 welcomes Member States' efforts to…

Prioritising investment in primary health care as the basis for better policies for more equitable and resilient health systems

Prioritising investment in primary health care as the basis for better policies for more equitable and resilient health systems

Prioritising investment in primary health care as the basis for better policies for more equitable and resilient health systems A statement from UHC2030’s co-chairs ahead of the OECD Health…

Co-Chair statement to the G7

Co-Chair statement to the G7

Co-Chair statement to the G7 UHC2030 Co-chair statement calling for G7 members to take ambitious action on universal health coverage As Italy is taking over the G7 Presidency this month, we…

The Coalition of Partnerships Comment in the Lancet Global Health

The Coalition of Partnerships Comment in the Lancet Global Health

The Coalition of Partnerships Comment in the Lancet Global Health The Coalition of Partnerships urges governments to position health at the core of the Summit of the Future's agenda Universal health…

The urgency of action for UHC: UHC2030 presents the results of its multi-stakeholder review

The urgency of action for UHC: UHC2030 presents the results of its multi-stakeholder review

The urgency of action for UHC: UHC2030 presents the results of its multi-stakeholder review A look at the key findings of the 2023 State of commitment to universal health coverage The year 2023…

A UHC Day Statement from the UHC2030 Political Advisory Panel

A UHC Day Statement from the UHC2030 Political Advisory Panel

A UHC Day Statement from the UHC2030 Political Advisory Panel An urgent call to unite behind health and UHC for peace. We are gravely concerned about the deteriorating health situations in active…