12 septembre 2023

A statement from UHC2030's Co-chairs following the G20 Summit in India

Now is the Time For All Countries to Take Action on Universal Health Coverage

As G20 heads of state and government have just concluded the G20 Summit in India, we welcome the G20’s commitment to "building more resilient, equitable, sustainable and inclusive health systems to achieve Universal Health Coverage.”

In fewer than ten days, heads of state and government from all countries will meet at the UN High-level meetings on health (pandemic prevention, preparedness and response; universal health coverage; and tuberculosis) and at the SDG Summit in New York. Building on the commitment of G20 members to health and UHC remains critical.

We call on all countries, irrespective of their income levels, to recommit to UHC. UHC remains an essential and the most effective pathway to realize the right to health of all people. It is also the most effective foundation and best investment we can make to ensure health security. But even more important than recommitment is action and implementation. This is why the UHC movement launched the UHC Action Agenda, which provides a blueprint for all countries on implementation areas that cannot be neglected.

We welcome the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration – and in particular its emphasis on strengthening primary health care and the health workforce and improving essential health services and health systems to achieve UHC and enhance pandemic preparedness. We also welcome the important discussions of the G20 Health Working Group, the G20 Joint-Finance and Health Task Force, and the Ministerial Meetings held under the Indian Presidency in this regard.

As Brazil takes over the G20 Presidency on 1 December 2023, we call on Brazil to take forward commitments that will be made in the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on UHC and to ensure that G20 members place acceleration of progress on UHC at the center of their agenda and country implementation.

Now is the time for ambitious, concrete action.

-Gabriela Cuevas and Justin Koonin, Co-chairs of the UHC2030 Steering Committee