15 mai 2017

Second Annual UHC Financing Forum, 20-21 April 2017, Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC.

More countries support the global UHC movement with UHC2030

More countries see value in UHC2030 as it helps them get visibility internationally for their work, provides common standards for monitoring health systems performance and UHC progress, and is a platform for sharing knowledge and learning across countries. This was one of the key messages to come out of a meeting during the Second Annual Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Financing Forum in Washington DC, USA on 21 April 2017.

The meeting was another step in the transformation from IHP+ into UHC2030 and the agenda received strong political support from current and prospective members of UHC2030. 

“Over the past year, we have been moving forward together on the UHC agenda with renewed vigour. Many of you are a part of the UHC2030 platform with us, and we are delighted at the robust commitment that this represents,” said Mr. Keith Hansen, Vice President for Human Development of the World Bank. 

Representatives from Chile and Indonesia highlighted the value of UHC2030 to achieving UHC at country level. 

“The main value of UHC2030 is that it includes all countries, including middle and high-income countries. Together, we can achieve UHC by 2030,” said Dr Jeannette Vega Morales, Directora Nacional, Fonasa, Chile.

“UHC2030 is an opportunity to share experiences and lessons learned. This partnership will synergize development partners’ efforts, facilitating learning and advocacy,” said Dr Donald Pardede, Senior Advisor to Minister of Health on Health Economics, Indonesia.

A joint vision for healthy lives

The joint vision paper ‘Healthy systems for universal health coverage - a joint vision for healthy lives’ was also presented to forum participants for a final consultation. The paper aims to be a key reference document for the UHC2030 to build a common understanding of health systems strengthening for UHC and identify key directions, principles and specific policy entry points. 

Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Director-General for Global Issues, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) presented the overview of the joint vision paper and forthcoming G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting. 

“We are very pleased about the strong ownership for the paper by UHC2030. We trust that UHC2030 is in the best possible position to implement the Joint Vision. The transformation of IHP+ into UHC2030 offered an excellent opportunity to embed our efforts for greater coordination. The Joint Vision Paper promotes dialogue and facilitates coordination of Health System Strengthening efforts,” she said.

As part of Japan’s commitment to implementing G7 Ise-Shima Vision for Global Health, Ambassador Shigeru Ushio, Deputy Director-General for Global Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, announced a new financial contribution to UHC2030, approximately 1.7 million USD to support the framework in this crucial moment of transition into UHC2030.

Second Annual UHC Financing Forum, 20-21 April 2017, Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC.

Photo credit: Photoshare.org 

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