28th January 2020 09:00 GMT - 2nd February 2020 18:00 GMT
UHC2030 and partners' side-events taking place at PMAC 2020 - Bangkok, Thailand.
UHC2030 and its partners are organising side events during PMAC 2020. Some of these events are open to all participants and one is by invitation only. See below for information.
Power of Social participation: a key contributor towards UHC and Sustainability
29 January 2020 09:00 - 12:30
Meeting Organizer: National Health Commission Office, World Health Organization, National Health Security Office, UHC2030, Social Participation Technical Network
Open to all participants - find out more.
Primary Health Care Measurement and Improvement to Accelerate Progress toward UHC: Examples of Country Leadership
29 January 9.00 - 12.30
Meeting Organizer: The World Bank, UNICEF, Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI)
Open to all participants - find out more.
From commitment to action: private sector engagement for UHC
29 January 14.00 - 17.30
Meeting Organizer: UHC2030, World Bank, World Economic Forum
Open to all participants - find out more.
P4H – The global network for health financing and social health protection
29 January 09.00 - 12.30
Meeting Organizer: P4H network, World Health Organization, World Bank
Open to all participants - find out more
Reaching Those Furthest Behind: Consultation on the State of UHC Commitment Report
30 January 14.00 - 17.30
Meeting Organizer: The World Bank, UHC2030, World Health Organization and Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030