10th December 2019 09:00 UTC - 11th December 2019 18:00 UTC

The UHC2030 Steering Committee meeting in Brussels, Belgium.

The UHC2030 Steering Committee met in Brussels for two days on 10 - 11 December 2019. The objectives of the meeting were to:

1. Celebrate and reflect on the outcomes of the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC

2. Agree UHC2030’s post-HLM vision and contribution to translating commitments into action, focusing on:

  • Political leadership to sustain the momentum
  • Accountability, especially for leaving no one behind
  • Moving together to ensure country impact
  • Multi-stakeholder engagement, global health architecture, strengthening coordination.

3. Agree next steps to deliver on this (funding, 2020 budget, 2020-21 workplan)

Background papers


Participant List

Note for the Record: 6th meeting, 19-20 June

Reflecting on HLM outcomes/process and our post HLM vision

UHC2030 workplan progress implementation 2019

UHC Movement Political Advisory Panel – Draft Terms of Reference

Strengthening accountability for UHC: proposed approach

State of UHC commitment report: draft concept note

Approach to CSO support: Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of financing for civil society

Moving together for country impact - Overview of UHC2030 role and opportunities

UHC2030 Workplan and budget 2020

Presentations from the meeting

Session 1: Post UNGA vision 

Session 2: Introduction to handbook on social participation for UHC

Session 2.1 Strengthening accountability for UHC 

Session 2.2 Country accountability work - Thailand

Session 3: Moving together to ensure country impact ​​​​​​​