“Bold Moves” campaign – the Tokyo edition Health Systems Governance Collaborative and UHC Partnership launch campaign. The Health Systems Governance Collaborative is running a Bold Moves campaign to…
Country consultations on CSO engagement about UHC at national level CSOs meet in five countries to discuss action about UHC2030. In 2017, the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism set up five…
Tokyo Declaration on Universal Health Coverage Universal Health Coverage Forum 2017 Tokyo Declaration on Universal Health Coverage: All Together to Accelerate Progress towards UHC We, the…
First face-to-face meeting of the Health Systems Assessment Technical Working Group Geneva, 17-18 October 2017 Following several preparatory panels and online meetings in 2016 and 2017, the first…
Stakeholder voices on the Tracking Universal Health Coverage 2017 Global Monitoring Report Multi-stakeholder review of progress. At least half of the world’s population remains without access to…
UHC2030 technical working group on support to countries with fragile or challenging operating environments First face-to-face meeting. The first face-to-face meeting of the UHC2030 technical working…
UHC2030 technical working group on sustainability, transition from aid and health system strengthening Second meeting in November 2017 The UHC2030 technical working group on sustainability,…
Assess interests, allow dissent, promote debate: Medicus Mundi joins UHC2030 UHC2030 welcomes civil society organization Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for all (MMI) as a…
World leaders for universal health coverage: achieving the SDGs through health for all 18 September 2017: a high-level discussion on achieving the SDGs through health for all took place at the United…
Liberia’s country compact: a common understanding of how to strengthen health system Coordination of health sector actors remains critical for achieving stronger health systems. The Government of…