Announcement - applications sought for new UHC2030 Co-Chairs The UHC2030 Secretariat is looking for new Co-Chairs for the UHC2030 Steering Committee. Are you interested? The UHC2030 Secretariat is…
Moving together for UHC: listening to civil society on how to strengthen social participation in policy and decision-making Findings from a consultation on the WHO social participation handbook. A…
Taking action for universal health coverage: How do we ensure that our health systems protect everyone? Dialogue between United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and UHC2030 The COVID-19 pandemic…
Financing health systems to strengthen preparedness for future shocks Mobilising resources for emergency responses and long-term health systems strengthening. How can countries mobilize adequate…
Investing in Health: the key to building back better from COVID-19 and Accelerating Progress for universal health coverage and sustainable development Investing in health event at the High Level…
Better data collection and accountability: an opportunity for change after COVID-19 ‘Caught in the COVID-19 storm: women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health in the context of UHC and the SDGs’ -…
Turning global commitment for UHC into national and local action UHC2030 Co-Chairs, the Inter-Parliamentary Union President and the UHC movement Political Advisory Panel promote national investment…
UHC2030’s new panel to enhance political advocacy for UHC Health is a political choice - let's move together towards good health and well-being for all. UHC2030 is pleased to announce a new universal…
What is the state of UHC commitment in your country? Tell the real story of health care. UHC2030 multi-stakeholder review of UHC commitments UHC2030 is asking for contributions to a multi-stakeholder…
Technical resources for health systems and COVID-19 A list of useful resources and technical documents developed by WHO and other partners in the context of health systems and COVID-19. Here is a…