Walk the talk: the health for all challenge A free and inclusive event open to people to walk, jog, run, wheelchair etc. Join in! As part of celebrations of the World Health Organization’s 70th…
UHC Financing Forum Third Annual UHC Financing Forum: Greater Equity for Better Health and Financial Protection April 19-20, 2018 Washington Hilton, Washington, DC This event is organised by the…
UHC2030 side event and marketplace at the UHC Forum, Tokyo Join us for these interactive sessions if you are going to be at the UHC Forum in Tokyo Strengthening health systems for UHC: translating…
World Health Assembly 2018 Geneva, Switzerland World Health Assembly The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and…
Second UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting - Tokyo, Japan Held on 11 December 2017 The second UHC2030 Steering Committee meeting took place on 11 December 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. The participant…
UHC Forum 2017 Side Events, Tokyo Japan Side events - open to forum participants and the public In addition to the two-day main events of the UHC Forum 2017 in Tokyo, a variety of side events are…
Universal health coverage forum 2017 Tokyo, Japan The high-level forum on universal health coverage, jointly organized by the Government of Japan, the World Bank, the World Health Organization,…
Face-to-face meeting of the UHC2030 Technical Working Group on Fragile States Face-to-Face Meeting of the UHC2030 Technical Working Group on Fragile States 8-9 November 2017, Geneva For more…
Second Meeting of the UHC2030 Technical Working Group on Sustainability Transition from External Financing and Health System Strengthening Second Meeting of the UHC2030 Technical Working Group on…
First face-to-face meeting of the UHC2030 Technical Working Group on Health Systems Assessments UHC2030 Technical Working Group on Health Systems Assessments Health systems (performance)…