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91 results:

Leave no one's health behind: How are we working together to build equitable and resilient health systems for all?

Leave no one's health behind: How are we working together to build equitable and resilient health systems for all?

Leave no one's health behind: How are we working together to build equitable and resilient health systems for all? Coordination and cooperation in advancing UHC 13 December 2021 | 07:00 - 08:00 ET /…

UNITE Global Summit

UNITE Global Summit

UNITE Global Summit Leave no one's health behind: Invest in health systems for all 8 December 2021 | 10:45-12:15 (GMT) | 11:45-13:15 (CET) UHC2030 and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and…

Ninth UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting

Ninth UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting The UHC2030 Steering Committee e-meeting The UHC2030 Steering Committee met on 14-15 September 2021. The objectives of the meeting were to: build momentum…

Eighth UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting

Eighth UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting The UHC2030 Steering Committee e-meeting The UHC2030 Steering Committee on 3-4 February 2021. The objectives of the meeting were to: Agree UHC2030 2021…

Seventh UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting

Seventh UHC2030 Steering Committee Meeting The UHC2030 Steering Committee e-meeting The UHC2030 Steering Committee met on 29 June  2020. The objectives of the meeting were to: Agree UHC2030…

Health for All Advocacy Toolkit Launch

Health for All Advocacy Toolkit Launch

Health for All Advocacy Toolkit Launch Join us for the launch of a new resource for civil society advocates on universal health coverage! 28 September 2021  08:00-09:00 EST | 14:00-15:00…

The Road To 2023: Kick-off to the high-level meeting on universal health coverage

The Road To 2023: Kick-off to the high-level meeting on universal health coverage

The Road To 2023: Kick-off to the high-level meeting on universal health coverage Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities to Accelerate Progress on UHC 30 September 2021 | 08.00-09.30 EST | 14.00-15.30…

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development This is the central platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development…

Generation Equality Forum: campaign on women's leadership and UHC

Generation Equality Forum: campaign on women's leadership and UHC Join us in reminding world leaders and activists that we cannot achieve gender equality without prioritizing UHC and investing in…

How to strengthen health systems for UHC and equitable access to Covid19 tools:

How to strengthen health systems for UHC and equitable access to Covid19 tools:

How to strengthen health systems for UHC and equitable access to Covid19 tools: Eight lessons from the UHC2030 Related Initiatives Only 0.3% of COVID-19 vaccinations so far are in low-income…