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Water SDH Sanitation Social Support Networks Health Work Force HMIS Tax HEALTH FINANCI NG Social Insurance + Other Insurance Infrastructure Governance Community Engagement Drugs Vaccines Technologies…


Launched March 9 2016 at UN Statistical Commission in side event IHP+ Country-led platform for monitoring & accountability (2010) Country data generation & compilation Monitoring…


UHC 2030 Multi-stakeholder Consultation Building a Partnership to Strengthen Health Systems 22-23 June 2016, Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva, Switzerland Session 5 UHC 2030 role in tying together…



The Political Economy of UHC accountability and “leaving no one behind" Jesse B. Bump, PhD, MPH Department of Global Health and Population Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health UHC 2030…


Consultation pluripartite sur la CSU 2030 Mettre en place un partenariat pour renforcer les systèmes de santé 22-23 juin 2016, Hôtel Intercontinental, Genève, Suisse ODRE DU JOUR PROVISOIRE …


“G7 Ise-Shima Vision on Global Health” The Outcome of the G7 Ise-Shima Summit Health Agenda and Japan’s vision on UHC 2030 June 22, 2016 at InterContinental Hotel Geneva Ambassador Koichi…


UHC 2030 Multi-stakeholder Consultation Building a Partnership to Strengthen Health Systems 22-23 June 2016, Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva, Switzerland PROVISIONAL AGENDA Meeting objectives …


UHC 2030 Multi-stakeholder Consultation Building a Partnership to Strengthen Health Systems 22-23 June 2016, Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva, Switzerland PROVISIONAL AGENDA Meeting objectives …


UHC 2030 Multi-stakeholder Consultation Building a Partnership to Strengthen Health Systems 22-23 June 2016, Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva, Switzerland AGENDA Meeting objectives Provide…



UHC 2030 Multi-stakeholder Consultation Building a Partnership to Strengthen Health Systems 22-23 June 2016, Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva, Switzerland Final AGENDA Meeting objectives § Provide…