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Multiple tools, multiple health system Session 7: Harmonisation and a common approach for assessing country health systems – the way forward Dr. Dheepa Rajan Department for…



“G7 Ise-Shima Vision on Global Health” The Outcome of the G7 Ise-Shima Summit Health Agenda and Japan’s vision on UHC 2030 June 22, 2016 at InterContinental Hotel Geneva Ambassador Koichi AIBOSHI …


Engaging CSOs in UHC 2030 Bruno Rivalan IHP+ Northern CSO Representative IHP+ Steering committee 21 th June 2016 UHC 2030 structure IHP + CSO engagement mechanism Represented in IHP+…


Report back from the IHP+ Steering Committee Dr Amir Aman Hagos Co-Chair, IHP+ Steering Committee 22 nd June 2016 SDGs : a renewed global commitment to health, universal agenda The …


Viroj Tangcharoensathien


EPHF – Renewed Momentum Copenhagen meeting - HSS, EPHF, Security HSS, EPHF and health security inter-related - conceptually and operationally EPHF is an important component of the UHC and a…


UHC and Health Security - O utcomes from G7 Ise -Shima summit - Satoshi “ Toshi ” Ezoe , MD, MPH, MPA, PhD International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat Ministry of Health, Labour …


Water SDH Sanitation Social Support Networks Health Work Force HMIS Tax HEALTH FINANCI NG Social Insurance + Other Insurance Infrastructure Governance Community Engagement Drugs Vaccines Technologies…


Launched March 9 2016 at UN Statistical Commission in side event IHP+ Country-led platform for monitoring & accountability (2010) Country data generation & compilation Monitoring…