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178 results:

Universal health coverage: A link not to be missed in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Universal health coverage: A link not to be missed in pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

… and response With the 11th meeting of the Intergovernmental…

Update from the civil society engagement mechanism April-June 2019

Update from the civil society engagement mechanism April-June 2019

… the buildup to the UN High-Level Meeting on universal health coverage (HLM…

Yemen: a multi-stakeholder approach to rebuilding the health system

Yemen: a multi-stakeholder approach to rebuilding the health system

… System Analysis Consultative Meeting, organised by the World Health…

Jordan signs the UHC2030 Global Compact

Jordan signs the UHC2030 Global Compact

… “leaving no one behind”.  At the meeting at the Ministry of Health, Dr…

A statement from UHC2030 co-chairs to G7 Health Ministers

A statement from UHC2030 co-chairs to G7 Health Ministers

… center of discussions during the meeting of G7 Health Ministers in…

Civil society gathers to advocate for UHC that leaves no one behind at the C20 (Civil 20) in Japan

Civil society gathers to advocate for UHC that leaves no one behind at the C20 (Civil 20) in Japan

… action towards the UN High Level Meeting on UHC to be held in September…

Act with ambition: UHC Day event

Act with ambition: UHC Day event

… took place on the margins of the meeting UHC2030: Working Together to…

WHA side event rallied political support for institutionalizing social participation in health decision-making

WHA side event rallied political support for institutionalizing social participation in health decision-making

… technical background paper, Regional Committee resolutions, and consultations…

UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism works to ensure no one is left behind

UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism works to ensure no one is left behind

… from the High-Level Meeting on UHC The CSEM has continued to…

SDG Indicator 3.8.1: Measure What Matters

SDG Indicator 3.8.1: Measure What Matters

… ambitious goal.  The seventh meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert…