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26 results:

Tackling the big challenges: How the private sector is investing in health systems strengthening

Tackling the big challenges: How the private sector is investing in health systems strengthening

… extend the facility’s reach. 3. Meeting Core Pharmaceutical Needs The…

Domestic health financing for Covid-19 response in Africa

Domestic health financing for Covid-19 response in Africa

… budgets. Within these laws, committees with special powers to make…

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

How health systems strengthening related initiatives contribute to progress towards UHC

… General Assembly high-level meeting on universal health coverage…

Why Universal Health Coverage must be central to Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Why Universal Health Coverage must be central to Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery

… Negotiating Body at its fourth meeting WHO convention, agreement or other…

How to purchase health services during a pandemic? Purchasing priorities to support the COVID-19 response.

How to purchase health services during a pandemic? Purchasing priorities to support the COVID-19 response.

… by the COVID-19 Accreditation Committee under the Federal Ministry of…

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

Mobilizing private sector contributions to resilient and equitable health systems - what will it take?

… health for all at the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC, UHC2030’s Private Sector…

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait

For an equitable COVID-19 response, investments in civil society cannot wait

… one year after the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage, they…

Keeping up in Kenya: Maintaining Essential Health Services in Crisis and Calm

Keeping up in Kenya: Maintaining Essential Health Services in Crisis and Calm

… Services - a newly-formed subcommittee of the COVID-19 taskforce at the…

Faced by the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial that world leaders remember their universal health coverage commitments

Faced by the COVID-19 crisis, it is crucial that world leaders remember their universal health coverage commitments

… at the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UN HLM) “Universal Health…