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2800 results:

Open letter to Ministers of Health: About the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

Open letter to Ministers of Health: About the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

…An open letter to Ministers of Health ahead of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2024

Action on health systems, for universal health coverage and health security

Action on health systems, for universal health coverage and health security

…Action on health systems, for universal health coverage and health security A message from UHC2030's Co-Chairs The World Health Assembly meets this week for a Special Session. The World Health Organization’s Member…

Action on health systems, for universal health coverage and health security

…UHC2030’s strategic narrative to guide advocacy and action on strengthening health systems.

Taking action for universal health coverage: How do we ensure that our health systems protect everyone?

Taking action for universal health coverage: How do we ensure that our health systems protect everyone?

…Taking action for universal health coverage: How do we ensure that our health systems protect everyone? Dialogue between United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and UHC2030 The COVID-19 pandemic is pushing health

Community-based health intervention: a step towards Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria

Community-based health intervention: a step towards Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria

…As part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) commitment monitoring, we want to tell the real stories of UHC as experienced by people across the globe. This is the story of an initiative to increase access to quality and…

South Africa’s path to universal health coverage: a new Presidential Health Compact

South Africa’s path to universal health coverage: a new Presidential Health Compact

…Accelerating progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) with a health systems reforms.

Health systems for universal health coverage: a joint vision for healthy lives

… to take more effective and coherent action in support of countries’ efforts to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). The movement is based on a shared vision for health systems that protect everyone and…

World leaders for universal health coverage: achieving the SDGs through health for all

World leaders for universal health coverage: achieving the SDGs through health for all

…18 September 2017: a high-level discussion on achieving the SDGs through health for all took place at the United Nations.

Voices for health: driving universal health coverage through social participation

Voices for health: driving universal health coverage through social participation

…The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health urges Member States to support the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage and well-being at the 77th WHA and turn their commitments into…

World Health Assembly opens to discuss major health issues

…20 May 2013 -- WHO's Health Assembly, the world's largest health policy-making body, opened its Sixty-sixth Session toda...