… global health and cooperation on global common goods. Across these key asks and actions, re-commit to gender equality, redress gender power dynamics and ensure women’s and girls’ rights as foundational…
… global health and cooperation on global common goods. Across these key asks and actions, re-commit to gender equality, redress gender power dynamics and ensure women’s and girls’ rights as foundational…
… run. The Netherlands has committed to scorecard every action and every decision around the lens of gender and will focus particularly on access to sexual and reproductive health and rights in such settings,…
… run. The Netherlands has committed to scorecard every action and every decision around the lens of gender and will focus particularly on access to sexual and reproductive health and rights in such settings,…
… multistakeholder mechanisms for engaging the whole of society for a healthier world. Emphasize gender equality, redress gender power dynamics and ensure women’s and girls’ rights as foundational…
… and enact laws and regulations that create an institutional framework for UHC and equity • Champion gender-equitable leadership • Demand, generate and use disaggregated data for action to address inequities •…
… to health services, efforts must be made to tackle health inequities, barriers to human rights and gender inequality. The means to expanding service coverage and achieving UHC and health security is…
… are new: use of country results frameworks, enabling private sector, enabling CSO engagement, gender, and transparency. Not all have measurement strategies, but work to develop these is underway. Out…
… George Institute School of Public Affairs, Sciences Po Paris Ahfad University for Women, of the Gender & Reproductive Health & Rights Resource & Advocacy Center IPPF Acon/UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement…
… Municipal levels, and emphasized the importance of accessibility, accounting for racial, cultural, gender and socioeconomic diversity. We were moved from principles to action by the WHO Assistant…