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557 results:



…ties and governance for efficient and evidenced-based decision •Investment in primary health care •Strengthen gender-sensitive health care •Invest in the health workforce •Promote access to medicine, vaccines and…



… Care Global Health Security Immunisation SRHR and RMNCAH + FP EPF Parliamentarian Guide on UHC Gender Equality APF The Human Right to Science The Digital Divide HIV/AIDS Budget Appropriation and…



… Care Global Health Security Immunisation SRHR and RMNCAH + FP EPF Parliamentarian Guide on UHC Gender Equality APF The Human Right to Science The Digital Divide HIV/AIDS Budget Appropriation and…

A critical opportunity to prioritise investment in universal health coverage as essential for successful pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

A critical opportunity to prioritise investment in universal health coverage as essential for successful pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

… and emergency risk management, while empowering civil society and communities, and promoting gender equality. Finally, as all countries committed to in the 2019 Political Declaration on UHC…



… have made important UHC commitments and set national targets, including to prioritize equity and gender equality. Yet gaps persist between legislation, policy, implementation and results. Looking ahead, the…



… have made important UHC commitments and set national targets, including to prioritize equity and gender equality. Yet gaps persist between legislation, policy, implementation and results. Looking ahead, the…

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

Public hearing on a new instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response

… health functions. Reaching and protecting the most vulnerable groups in society, and enhancing gender equality and empowering women and girls. Ensuring adequate numbers and distribution of well-trained,…



… universal health coverage............................................ 10 Action area 7: Guarantee gender equality in health................................................................. 11 Action area 8:…



… universal health coverage............................................ 10 Action area 7: Guarantee gender equality in health................................................................. 11 Action area 8:…



… Civil society groups that focus more on sectors or issues (such as health, education, human rights, gender equality, poverty) have also adopted budget analysis and budget advocacy as components of their work.…