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3844 results:

Moving forward together: key asks from the UHC movement

Moving forward together: key asks from the UHC movement A public meeting in Geneva - do join us if you can. 12.30 - 14.30 Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Maison de la paix, Geneva Organised by the…

UHC2030 events at the World Health Assembly 2019

UHC2030 events at the World Health Assembly 2019 Find out more. UHC2030 partners and related initiatives will organise various official and informal side events on UHC during the 72st World…

News from the UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency

News from the UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency

News from the UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency Engaging the private sector to help achieve UHC - what's happening? The private sector plays an important role in health care in high-income, and…

UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism highlights from January-March 2019

UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism highlights from January-March 2019

UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism highlights from January-March 2019 The UHC2030 CSEM shares its activities and events to promote and advocate universal health coverage. Health for…

Switching up the dial on community voices for UHC

Switching up the dial on community voices for UHC

Switching up the dial on community voices for UHC UHC2030 Partner Insight from the ‘Communities at the heart of UHC’ campaign ‘Communities at the heart of UHC’ is a coalition of six…

UHC2030 launches 'Key Asks from the UHC Movement' for the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage

UHC2030 launches 'Key Asks from the UHC Movement' for the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage

UHC2030 launches 'Key Asks from the UHC Movement' for the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage Following a multi-stakeholder consultation process earlier this year, UHC2030 is pleased…

Non-state actor consultation on the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being

Non-state actor consultation on the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being Community, civil society and other non-state actors are encouraged to apply to attend this one-day consultation…

IFRC and the universal health coverage agenda

IFRC and the universal health coverage agenda

IFRC and the universal health coverage agenda The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) shares its perspective on UHC, and how they are working to achieve it. The…

Multi-stakeholder hearing in preparation for the United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting on UHC

Multi-stakeholder hearing in preparation for the United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting on UHC

Multi-stakeholder hearing in preparation for the United Nations General Assembly high-level meeting on UHC This hearing in New York on 29 April is part of the preparatory process for the UN General…

World Health Day 2019 on UHC

World Health Day 2019 on UHC

World Health Day 2019 on UHC This year on World Health Day - 7 April 2019 - the World Health Organization (WHO) is focusing on universal health coverage (UHC).  UHC is WHO’s number one goal. Progress…