Introduction to working groups YOUR TASK in the working groups • Discuss draft sub-functions as represented in the taxonomy • Review them as per ‘good’ sub-function criteria • Consider alternative…
„Taxonomy“ How can we make its content useful for performance? Step 1: TWG decision to have complete overview of tool contents Step 2: TWG decision to focus on performance dimensions „Taxonomy“…
UHC 2030 Technical Working Group on Health Systems Assessments 2nd Face-to-Face Meeting: LINKING HEALTH SYSTEMS ASSESSMENTS TO PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS 6-7 November 2018, Geneva Multitude of HSAs --…
Africa Health International Agenda Conference 2019 Communiqué and call to action from the conference. Over 1500 participants from across Africa and the global community – including scientists,…
Civil society gathers to advocate for UHC that leaves no one behind at the C20 (Civil 20) in Japan Advocacy for UHC in the lead up to the G20. A total of 830 participants from 40 countries and…
Make your power count : multi-stakeholder hearing in preparation for the HLM on UHC Over 600 representatives from non-state organisations gathered at the UN in New York on 29 April 2019 to express…