UHC 2030: building an alliance to strengthen health systems Draft Concept Note – 9 May 2016 A timely opportunity The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demonstrate a renewed global commitment to…
Note for the Civil society engagement mechanism in UHC 2030: building an alliance to strengthen health systems 1. Background: The SDGs framework result in a new approach for development. The…
Results from the survey on broadening the scope of IHP+ In April 2016, IHP+ countries were asked the following questions: Q. Looking forward: should the IHP+ activities continue either within IHP+…
4 May 2016 Dear IHP+ Signatories, Following our letter of 29 March, attached, we are pleased to inform you that the IHP+ Steering Committee at its meeting on 8 April expressed strong support for…
Genève, le 4 mai 2016 Chers signataires de l’IHP+, Nous nous référons à notre lettre du 29 mars ci-jointe et nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que, lors de sa réunion du 8 avril, le Comité…
G7 Ise-Shima Leaders’ Declaration G7 Ise-Shima Summit, 26-27 May 2016 Preamble We, the leaders of the G7, met in Ise-Shima on 26 and 27 May 2016 to address major global economic and political…
Note de synthèse sur l’Alliance pour la CSU à l’horizon 2030 (projet daté du 9 mars 2016) Une occasion opportune Les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) démontrent un engagement international…
CSU 2030 : créer une alliance pour renforcer les systèmes de santé Projet de note de synthèse – 9 mai 2016 Une occasion opportune Les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) démontrent un engagement…
G7 Summit in Japan: Another Milestone for Global Health Accelerating international work G7 Summit in Japan Mr. NAGAMINE,Yasumasa, Japan's Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs writes in the…
Global leaders line up behind UHC and UHC 2030 G7 declaration 2016 Global leaders line up behind universal health coverage (UHC) and UHC 2030, bringing hope of better health and protection for the…