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In September 2015 the world moved from focusing on the Millennium Development Goals to the universal and more ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 3 demonstrates a renewed global…



Cycle de Suivi IHP+ 2016 Suivi des engagements concernant la coopération au développement efficace en santé Présentation des résultats pour les COMORES Moroni Retaj 07/11/16 INTRODUCTION •  30 pays…



COMOROS CYCLE DE SUIVI 2016 DE L’IHP+ Revu de la performance nationale COMMENT INTERPRETER LE PROFIL DU PAYS Toutes les données présentées dans ce tableau de bord ont été fournies par le Ministère de…



CYCLE DE SUIVI DE L’IHP+ 2016 RAPPORT DES COMORES PAYS NOM DU CONSULTANT DATE DE SOUMISSION Union des Comores Dr MOURCHIDI Mohamed Juillet 2016 1. Processus du cycle de suivi de l’IHP+ 2016 Pour…

First meeting of UHC2030 working group on Sustainability, Transition from Aid and Health System Strengthening

First meeting of UHC2030 working group on Sustainability, Transition from Aid and Health System Strengthening

First meeting of UHC2030 working group on Sustainability, Transition from Aid and Health System Strengthening 30-31 March, Geneva, Switzerland The UHC2030 working group on Sustainability, Transition…

UHC Indicators for SDG Monitoring Framework agreed

UHC Indicators for SDG Monitoring Framework agreed

UHC Indicators for SDG Monitoring Framework agreed Advocacy success to influence UN Statistical Commission decision On 7-10 March 2017, the 48th UN Statistical Commission agreed the global…

UHC2030 at PMAC: a collaborative agenda for UHC

UHC2030 at PMAC: a collaborative agenda for UHC

UHC2030 at PMAC: a collaborative agenda for UHC Side event about universal health coverage UHC2030 took part in a side event about universal health coverage at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference in…

Thailand, South Africa and the Rockefeller Foundation give fresh support to UHC2030

Thailand, South Africa and the Rockefeller Foundation give fresh support to UHC2030

Thailand, South Africa and the Rockefeller Foundation give fresh support to UHC2030 Commitments to join UHC2030 UHC2030 is receiving new support from both countries and development partners:…

Around the world on UHC Day 2016

Around the world on UHC Day 2016

Around the world on UHC Day 2016 Events sponsored by UHC2030 To celebrate Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day 2016, organizations and partners hosted more than 90 events in 33 countries. Eleven of…

Universal Health Coverage: an affordable goal for all

Universal Health Coverage: an affordable goal for all Op Ed in WHO news: Margaret Chan and Gro Harlem Brundtland Op Ed. by Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, and Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland,…