Assessment of CSO mechanism in Global Initiatives: Informing the CSO engagement mechanism in UHC2030 Briefing Note-September 2016 1 - Background The transformation of the International Health…
Proposal for a Civil Society Organisation Engagement Mechanisms in UHC2030 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An updated proposal for the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM) is available in Annex B.…
WHA 2017 – Briefing session Civil Society Engagement Mechanisms (CSEM) for UHC2030: Where are we and how to engage? UHC2030, launched during UNGA 2016, will have its first Steering Committee in June…
Convocatoria de candidaturas para representantes de OSC en el Comité Directivo de CSU2030 El Mecanismo de Participación de la Sociedad Civil (MPSC) para CSU2030 busca representantes de OSC, una…
Appel à nomination des représentants des organisations de la société civile au sein du comité directeur de CSU2030 Le Mécanisme d’engagement de la société civile (MESC) au sein de la CSU2030 est à la…
CSU2030 y el Mecanismo de Participación de la Sociedad Civil (MPSC) Una alianza clave para el fortalecimiento del sistema de salud y el avance sostenible de la cobertura sanitaria universal El…
CSU2030 et le Mécanisme d’engagement de la société civile (MESC) Un partenariat clé pour renforcer les systèmes de santé et avancer de façon équitable et durable vers la Couverture santé universelle…
Call for nomination for the CSO representatives in UHC2030 Steering Committee Civil Society Engagement Mechanisms (CSEM) for UHC2030 is looking for one Global South, one Global North and one…
UHC2030 and Civil Society Engagement mechanism (CSEM) A key partnership to strengthen health system and make equitable and sustainable progress towards Universal Health Coverage What is UHC2030 1…
Terms of Reference IHP+ Financial Management Technical Working Group Background Progress was made on financial management harmonization and alignment under IHP+. Under the auspices of the financial…