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941 results:
…UHC2030’s new panel to enhance political advocacy for UHC Health is a political choice - let's move together towards…
Advocacy note for International Migration Day 2018- UHC in Fragile settings
… Election advocacy guide UN High-Level Meeting on UHC 2023 Universal Health Coverage Day The Coalition of…
… Asks to UNHLM, UHC2030 will produce coordinated advocacy tools and guidance that both member states and…
…C2. How to plan budget advocacy with an impact IBP, one of the main international budget advocacy organizations, has…
… targets and timelines. Use the following advocacy tools to hold your leaders…
…Health budget literacy, advocacy and accountability for universal health coverage Toolkit for capacity-building C2. How…
… media. Share content from the Health For All Advocacy Toolkit, review the State of UHC Commitment…
…UHC2030’s strategic narrative to guide advocacy and action on strengthening health systems.
…C1. When is civil society budget advocacy successful? Civil society budget advocacy is most successful when it has an…
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