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198 results:

Accelerating progress towards the health-related SDGs: a look at VNR lab on SDG3

Accelerating progress towards the health-related SDGs: a look at VNR lab on SDG3

… about what your country can do to accelerate action towards UHC, please read UHC2030’s latest message…

UHC2030 at HSR2024: Advancing equity and inclusion in health systems through civil society knowledge

UHC2030 at HSR2024: Advancing equity and inclusion in health systems through civil society knowledge

… with UHC goals.    Tracking action on UHC commitments is essential to understand gaps…

UHC2030 warmly welcomes new co-chairs Dr Magda Robalo and Dr Pamela Cipriano

UHC2030 warmly welcomes new co-chairs Dr Magda Robalo and Dr Pamela Cipriano

… Meeting on UHC in 2023 and advancing the UHC agenda. We deeply value your commitment, engagement and…

Jordan signs the UHC2030 Global Compact

Jordan signs the UHC2030 Global Compact

… towards achieving UHC and complying with the 2030 agenda.” Dr Yamamoto said.

UHC2030 meeting: working together to strengthen health systems

UHC2030 meeting: working together to strengthen health systems

… from political leadership in taking the agenda forwardFilm of session four: Ministerial…

Kyrgyzstan government and partners agree a joint statement on health sector coordination

Kyrgyzstan government and partners agree a joint statement on health sector coordination

… Global Compact as a sign of commitment to taking action towards UHC. The UHC2030 Global compact reflects…

First meeting of UHC2030 working group on Sustainability, Transition from Aid and Health System Strengthening

First meeting of UHC2030 working group on Sustainability, Transition from Aid and Health System Strengthening

… consultative meeting will identify the specific actions that are going to be useful to take the work…

Time to get our act together on health emergencies and UHC

Time to get our act together on health emergencies and UHC

… resilient health systems, and identify priority actions for both emergency preparedness and universal…

Solidarity, wisdom and responsibility: news from civil society

Solidarity, wisdom and responsibility: news from civil society

Action and advocacy news from the UHC2030 Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (CSEM)

Open letter to Ministers of Health: About the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

Open letter to Ministers of Health: About the resolution on social participation for universal health coverage, health and well-being

… It is time to translate political commitments into action and to make health systems more resilient and…