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1258 results:


Activity: Exploring UHC budget information with the Global health expenditure databaseSuggest how participants could use these two tools and particularly the Global health expenditure database, as it


Activity: Understanding key elements of health policy design for UHCRead the introductory chapter of Strategizing health in the 21st century (34), and respond to the following questions, which may



Connaissances, plaidoyer et redevabilité budgétaires en matière de santé pour la couverture sanitaire universelle Boîte à outils pour le renforcement des capacités Activité : Accords, déclarations


A4. Common goods for health: A foundation for UHCPublic or common goods in health (24) are population-based functions or interventions that are obtained by collective financing. Examples of common


A6. Role of public financeTo build strong health systems based on primary health care for UHC and to secure financial protection for all people, robust, equitable financing systems are required. The



Connaissances, plaidoyer et redevabilité budgétaires en matière de santé pour la couverture sanitaire universelle Boîte à outils pour le renforcement des capacités A3. Importance des déterminants



Connaissances, plaidoyer et redevabilité budgétaires en matière de santé pour la couverture sanitaire universelle Boîte à outils pour le renforcement des capacités A4. Biens communs pour la santé :


Workshop Evaluation Apostolopoulos (12) provides 99 questions for compiling an evaluation of a workshop, listed below. How would you rate the preparation of the workshop? Were the training goals


A1. Defining UHC in the context of SDG3What is UHC? UHC will ensure that all individuals and communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship. It comprises the


A2. Relevance of UHC for disease- or population-specific interestsDisease-, intervention- and population-specific interests are part of UHC, according to the definition, which specifies necessary