D2. Where to find budget documents According to international best practice in terms of budget transparency and access to information, all countries should produce and publish the eight key budget
D3. Budget information relevant for UHC and where to find it The health budget is part of the overall public budget. Information on the health budget, including that relevant for UHC, can be found
Activity: Finding and exploring budget documents in your country Purpose: Learn where to find budget documents in your country. Explore the websites of the ministry of finance, ministry of the
Connaissances, plaidoyer et redevabilité budgétaires en matière de santé pour la couverture sanitaire universelle Boîte à outils pour le renforcement des capacités A1. Définition de la CSU dans le
Connaissances, plaidoyer et redevabilité budgétaires en matière de santé pour la couverture sanitaire universelle Boîte à outils pour le renforcement des capacités B4. Dépenses du budget public et
Activity: Exploring UHC budget information with the Global health expenditure databaseSuggest how participants could use these two tools and particularly the Global health expenditure database, as it
Connaissances, plaidoyer et redevabilité budgétaires en matière de santé pour la couverture sanitaire universelle Boîte à outils pour le renforcement des capacités B5. Principales classifications
Connaissances, plaidoyer et redevabilité budgétaires en matière de santé pour la couverture sanitaire universelle Boîte à outils pour le renforcement des capacités Outil : Cartographie de l’OMS des
Tool: The WHO health financing progress matrixThe health financing progress matrix (47), developed by the WHO Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing, allows assessment of national
B2. What is the public budget, and why is it relevant?A budget is generally considered to be an action plan for spending in the future according to the income expected. Governments must therefore