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1273 results:


… The modules that follow provide more detailed information and analysis; however, some concepts are…


… improvements in health financing and health budget information must be coupled with reforms in the public…

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future

Adjustments in health purchasing as part of the COVID-19 health response: results of a short survey and lessons for the future

… arrangements for purchasing Developments in information management support What are the lessons for…



… study will be shared with members of the group for information. Any other business Pamela informed the meeting…

Health Systems Governance Collaborative

Health Systems Governance Collaborative

… just released its first newsletter, where all information for joining the network can be found.



… Day. The site features both evergreen and timely information about the Day and aims to help users learn…


… of whether the system produces and provides budget information to the public and makes spaces for the public…

UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage 2023

… advocate, and participate in the UHC movement. For information about UHC progress, refer to the UHC Data…



… and indicator components For the private sector, information will be collected in order to assess the…

Consultation on a Knowledge Management Taxonomy for UHC2030

Consultation on a Knowledge Management Taxonomy for UHC2030

… that supports the development of an effective information architecture to create the navigation structure…