24 April - 24 April 2023

The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health held a third briefing session on April 24, 2023 ahead of the multi-stakeholder hearing for the health-related United Nations High-Level Meetings (UN HLM)

Briefing Session 3: Get ready for the 2023 multi-stakeholder hearing on health (final preparation)  


On April 24, 2023 The Coalition of Partnerships for UHC and Global Health (Coalition) held the final virtual briefing session on the multi-stakeholder hearings on health, which will take place on 8-9 May, 2023 in New York, ahead of the United Nations High-Level Meetings (UN HLM).  

The session was moderated by Ms. Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, Global Health Council’s President and Executive Director, and included opening remarks from Ms. Corine Karema, CEO of RBM Partnership to End Malaria and Coalition Principal Group member and closing remarks by Dr. Angeli Achrekar, Deputy Executive Director for the Programme Branch, UNAIDS and Coalition Principal Group member. Both speakers emphasized the need for synergies across global health agendas, particularly at the multi-stakeholder hearings, the high-level meetings for health, and the SDG Summit. They both also highlighted that sustainable investments in people-centred resilient and sustainable systems for health, including community systems, primary health care and integrated systems and service delivery are critical for reaching health equity, social and economic prosperity, well-being and quality of life. We will make progress on SDG3 if we work collectively to build and strengthen equitable, resilient health systems that deliver for all people and communities in need across the life-course. We must hold the governments and other stakeholders accountable. 

Dr. Akihito Watabe, UHC2030 Program Manager and Coalition Working Group Coordinator, Dr. Shyama Kuruvilla, Senior Strategic Advisor at World Health Organization and Ms. Jessica Clark Ben-Achour, Technical Officer at the WHO Office at the United Nations provided updates on logistics and substance around the multi-stakeholder hearings and how to submit written statements and participate in the interactive dialogue during the hearings.  

Registration for the multi-stakeholder hearings on health closed on 7 April and a confirmation e-mail has been sent to all approved participants for VISA application purposes. 

The Hearings will bring together representatives of the Member States, observers of the General Assembly, parliamentarians, representatives of local government, relevant UN entities, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, academia, professional associations and the private sector and broader communities. This includes ensuring the participation and voices of women, children, youth and indigenous leadership. The Hearings will be live-streamed on UN TV. 


The United Nations President of the General Assembly will convene multi-stakeholder hearings as part of the preparatory process of the health-related UN HLMs during the UN General Assembly in September 2023. The hearings aim to engage the active participation of “appropriate senior-level representatives of Member States, observers of the Assembly, parliamentarians, representatives of local government, relevant UN entities, non-governmental organizations, philanthropic foundations, academia, medical associations, the private sector and broad communities, ensuring the participation and voices of women, children, youth, and indigenous leadership” as part of the preparatory process. Participants will be encouraged to exchange views on key priorities to raise with Heads of State, while underscoring experiences and best practices on the ground, highlighting the special challenges faced by civil society organizations, private sector and other stakeholders. 

Find out more about the multi-stakeholder hearings and high-level meetings:

UHC2030 UN HLM page 

WHO UN HLM page 

PGA’s letter on program and concept note 

PGA’s letter on UHC PD Roadmap 2023 

About the Coalition: 

The health-related UN HLMs and the SDG Summit in 2023 will be a significant opportunity for Heads of State to reaffirm their commitment to UHC and to recognize the role of UHC as an overarching umbrella for SDG3: good health and well-being. Recognizing the need for greater collaboration and harmonization across health stakeholders and programmes, the Coalition unites health leaders and advocates in a common goal to align advocacy and accountability efforts to achieve UHC and advance the SDGs.