19th June 2019 09:00 BST - 20th June 2019 18:00 BST
19-20 June 2019 in Geneva
The UHC2030 Steering Committee meets met in Geneva for two days. The objectives of the meeting are were to ensure that UHC2030 (Steering Committee, Secretariat and broader membership) is well equipped to:
- Mobilise countries and the international community in support of a coherent UHC agenda as set out in the Key Asks from the UHC movement.
- Support implementation of this agenda.
UHC2030 Steering Committee Summary Points
Session 1.1 Promoting our key asks in the political declaration
Session 2.1 – From asks to action - our offer to countries
Session 2.1 - The UHC-Partnership
Session 2.1 UHC2030 role in PHC for UHC
Session 2.2. Global architecture and coordination
Session 3.1 ‘Working arrangements’ – membership and constituencies
Session 3.1 UHC2030 Private Sector Constituency: Building a Healthier World Together
Session 3.2 ‘Working arrangement’ – use us or lose us: update on budget and funding situation